GPF Grant Funding Guidelines & Application Instructions
The Gastonia Police Foundation (GPF) is an INDEPENDENT, 501(c)3 nonprofit organization formed to provide resources to the Gastonia Police Department to support innovation and excellence in policing and ensure officers have the support necessary to perform at their highest level to make Gastonia the safest city in the region.
The GPF board is governed by a volunteer board of directors comprised of business leaders, community leaders, and local residents with a desire to help support the Gastonia police officers that work tirelessly to protect and serve the city of Gastonia.
GPF raises private funds from the community to provide grants for the Gastonia Police Department; it’s officers and community relations to fund projects and initiatives not funded by the City budget. The funds are supplemental in nature, and are not recurring.
Donations to GPF are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. GPF depends entirely on the generosity of corporations, businesses, individuals, foundations, and other philanthropic organizations to support its operations and grant program. No public funds or tax dollars are accepted for its operations or programming. GPF works closely with the Gastonia Police Department Chief of Police to ensure a transparent, fair and appropriate allocation of grant funds to meet priority needs of the police department and its officers and employees.
The document available for download provides the procedures of GPF’s grant making program and is intended to serve as a GUIDE for GPF Board of Directors, GPF staff and the Gastonia Police Department. For more information on GPF’s operations, procedures and projects, please contact the Gastonia Police Foundation office.
Gastonia Police Foundation,
Inc. P.O. Box 336
Gastonia, NC 28053-0336,
Email to info@gastoniapolicefoundation.org
Hand deliver to: Gastonia Police Department, 200 E Long Avenue, Gastonia, NC 28052
You may also fill out and submit your application online by clicking here.
Grant Funding Priorities
The GPF provides funding to purchase equipment, training and underwrite the cost of projects and activities to improve public safety, employee morale and functions that increase relationships with the community that the city either does not fund or does not fund in a timely manner. The GPF receives gifts and donations of money, goods, services and equipment to benefit the Department. Its project agenda is developed with collaboration and suggestions by, the Gastonia Police Department, GPD officers, GPF members and members of the community. The GPF encourages grant submissions for innovative, experimental and short-term programs. Priorities include education/training, community relations, technology advancements and equipment. Substantive program areas include:
 Enhancing law enforcement proficiency and efficiency;
 Increasing officer safety;
 Encouraging community support and understanding.
GPF does NOT fund the following:
 Salaries and benefits for Officers and GPD employees (including overtime pay);
 Activities or projects related to religious organizations for religious purposes;
 Political activities or projects, including lobbying, advocacy work, ballot measures, or political candidates;
 Grants directly for individual officers or GPD employees.
Grant Submittal Procedure:
The GPF will accept grant requests 3 times a year. They will be due on the last day of April, August and December by 5pm. If this date falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the application acceptance date will be the Monday following by 5pm.
Requests shall be made through the use of the GPF Request form. This form can be submitted by either sworn, non-sworn members of the GPD, Members of the GPF and of the Community. This form may be mailed, emailed, submitted online or hand delivered.
Once the GPF Request form has been received will be forwarded simultaneously to the Grant Review Committee Subcommittee Chair and the GPD Staff Liaison for review. The partners should convene the necessary persons for discussion as soon as possible. These reviews may occur independently as schedules allow, but should be acted upon within 60 days of application receipt. Each partner’s review and comments should be entered onto the GPF Request Review Form, which will be discussed and voted upon by the GPF Board at its next quarterly meeting.
Requests “DENIED” by the GPF shall be read into the minutes for posterity.
Requests with “DISPUTED OUTCOMES” will be discussed at the soonest possible GPF meeting with adequate time given to each partner’s point of view for discussion.
Requests “APPROVED” via the GPF Request Review Form will be acted upon at the earliest possible GPF meeting.
The treasurer, or designee, of the GPF will disseminate an annual report of all grants issued in the fiscal year to the Board of Directors during its annual meeting in June.